Welcome To David, Terri, And Denver’s World


We are Terri and David.  As you begin to look at our site, you will quickly

realize that we happen to use wheelchairs to get around.  While we were both born with Cerebral Palsy, neither of us has allowed that to stifle our lifestyles or our dreams.  This commonality is what made us realize we were a perfect match for one another after our internet meeting in 2002.  We have both spent a lifetime amazing and astonishing those around us.  We have tackled many challenges and have surpassed even more goals.

Our most awarding and fulfilling dream came true with the adoption of our son, Denver.  Being parents is the greatest thing that has ever happened to either of us.  We both feel so blessed to share in that joy together.

We hope that you will enjoy this brief glimpse into our lives.

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Welcome to our little part of the world & our Lives as we see it.

Dreams do come true.  On New Years Eve we were presented with our bundle of joy we named Denver Reegan. 

He was born just down the road from us in New Braunfauls, Texas.  Weighing in at 8 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches longs makes him our big boy.  We are so happy and very proud parents.